
1. How would you describe your work?
My degree is in biomedical engineering and right now I am working as a Quality Manager for a small medical device company. In order for a medical device to be sold, the company needs to be compliant with federal regulations and the device itself needs to be approved by the FDA. It is my job to make sure that the company is compliant with federal regulations and that I am creating standard operating procedures so the device can undergo FDA approval.

2. What are some ways that your work is a reflection of God?
The FDA gives us guidelines to follow in an effort to help keep us safe and do what is best for us. It is ultimately our choice whether or not we follow these guidelines, but it is in our best interest to do so as there could be significant consequences if we don’t. This is very similar to God – He doesn’t give us life guidelines to be overbearing and difficult. He does so because He has our best interest at heart.

3. How does your work provide insight into the brokenness of this world?
Working with the human body, I have a firsthand view of how broken we are. All bodies will inevitably fail at some point. I don’t believe God “makes” anyone sick or injured or in need of a doctor. I believe that sin exists and because of that people get sick or injured (not because of their sin specifically, just the general presence of sin in the world). A lot of doctors and scientists want to fix everything and there is very little room for God in the scientific world. They often rely on their own strengths and abilities without recognizing that these are gifts from God. I believe science and religion can be complementary but most in my field do not.

4. Jesus commands us to “love our neighbors as ourselves”. How does your work function as an opportunity to love and serve others?
The goal of my company is to revolutionize the way operating rooms look. It is to provide new tools that will better allow surgeons to be effective at their work saving lives and/or improving the quality of life for their patients. Furthermore, since it is a small company, all the employees are constantly helping one another achieve their goals and support them in their work. It is a very cooperative environment where people are willing to put down what they need to be doing to help someone else.