
Lesson 3

Normal View: Applying economic wisdom
in choosing a college 

Before we get started, what are your top two strengths according to StrengthsFinder? Read the descriptions (how are they defined), and what ideas for action stood out to you (how these apply to your work). Was there anything you learned that surprised you or you didn’t expect?

Because education and work both involve money (whether spending or receiving), it’s important to consider how we should view money with a Biblical perspective. Before we get to that, let’s look at a few basic ideas of what money is and how it affects us. 

What determines the value of our money?

This is a fun little video about how money works and what gives it value. 


What does the Bible say about money? 

Read the following verses: 

Proverbs 14:23-24
What do these verses say about work and wealth?

Proverbs 11:4
What do these verses say about wealth and righteousness?

Proverbs 19:1
What do these verses say about poverty and integrity?

Proverbs 21:20
What do these verses say about work and wealth?

You will notice that these verses say different things about money, poverty, and righteousness. Many times, hard work pays off and people become wealthy, and there is nothing inherently wrong with wealth. Sometimes people become poor because of bad choices, other times they become poor because they stand for integrity. Precious treasure can rightly be found in a wise man’s dwelling, but profits are not what anyone needs in the day of wrath.

It is always helpful to see what multiple Bible passages say about a topic. It is too easy on any subject to only consider what one passage from the Bible has to say.

Why should you start thinking about money now?

1) Because everything has a cost. 

Read: Luke 14:28-33

2) Because the cost of college is increasing. 


Questions to consider:

What does a particular college cost? There are a lot of variables concerning the cost of college. Besides the tuition, you have to consider whether you’ll live on campus, what the cost of your books will be, whether you need a meal plan, how you will get around (do you need a car or bike?), etc. Something else to consider is whether the career that interests you requires a standard 4-year degree, or if you could get an equivalent degree in 2 years to save money.

What scholarships are available to me? There are a lot of scholarships available, but you have to meet certain requirements to apply for them. You can get lots of information on scholarships from your guidance counselor or from websites like

What job opportunities are available to me while in school? You can go the route of getting a part time job, or consider something like work study or a paid internship.

How can I graduate with zero or minimal debt? It may seem impossible, but it’s not! If you’re smart about your living situation, finding scholarships that will help you pay for your education, and working while you’re in school, you may find that school is more affordable than you thought. 

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Street View
Making connections with professionals in one’s area of interest