

Panoramic View: Getting the Most
Out of Your Education Now

To start this lesson, let’s read a parable Jesus told about work:

Read: Matthew 25:14-30

As you can see from these verses, God gave each of us unique gifts and “talents” that He wants us to use wisely in ways that will make the world a better place. Our responsibility is not to compare our talents with others, but to make the most with what we have been given and take risks for God and others. 

Consider these questions related to each topic we’ve covered so far:

Satellite View: Seeing all work as an opportunity to serve Christ in the world
What does it look like to serve Christ as a student? 

Traffic View: Identifying the challenges of work in the modern economy
What are challenges at school that you have to work through?

Normal View: Applying economic wisdom in choosing a college
How can you already begin making wise financial decisions?

Street View: Making connections with professionals in one’s area of interest
What resources are available to you at school, through your friends, and at church?

Final Thoughts from Steve Jobs

Although he was not a Christian, Steve Jobs had some wise words related to the value of work, learning from difficulty and failure, and how your natural gifts and talents can impact the work that you do. This speech was given at Stanford University on June 12, 2005. 


Thank you for completing the COMPASS Curriculum! We hope that it has been helpful for you in changing the way you view work, helping you identify your calling, and seeing that all work can be used to glorify God! If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us.

We invite you to take the initial survey you completed one more time. The goal is not to remember how you answered the first time, but to consider these questions afresh after you have taken the time to complete this study.